The Department of Surgery is one of the five clinical departments at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna. It is involved in teaching undergraduates at many stages of their training. It also promotes research among staff members and students.

Surgery is taught, starting from phase II. It consists of lectures, tutorials, clinical rotations, and regular assessments, and the final assessment at the end of the course as part of the Final MBBS examination. Undergraduate surgical training prepares medical students to work in a surgical ward as house officers after passing out and as medical officers thereafter. The clinical training in surgery is to acquire adequate knowledge and achieve clinical skills to diagnose and treat the most common surgical conditions, including surgical emergencies, that enable the students to develop a foundation to build up their postgraduate training if they want to specialize in surgery.

The Department of Surgery involves the teaching and examination activities of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pathology. In addition, our staff members are involved in the teaching and examination activities of the  Unit of Siddha Medicine.