Project Monitoring Committee (PMC)

The Project Monitoring Committee (the “Committee”) hereinafter referred to as “PMC”, is established on 19.08.2020 after the revision of the Sub-Committees of the Faculty of Medicine recommended by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna.

The PMC will function within the by laws and policies of the University of Jaffna. The scope of the PMC is to:

  • monitor the execution of the projects
  • provide strategic and policy guidance
  • review and recommend annual work plans and budgets to Faculty Management committee
  • oversight, development and implementation of a comprehensive, overarching, integrated Strategic/action plan
  • approach to fostering a healthy faculty for staff and students.

Objectives of the committee

The objectives of the PMC are encompassed under the following areas. PMC will responsible to:

  • Execute the faculty Strategic and action Plan.
    1. Implement the Strategic Plan of the Faculty
    2. Monitor the implementation and progress
    3. Evaluate the outcomes and efficiencies
    4. Provide quarterly and annual reports to the Steering Committee
    5. Providing unwavering support for the development and implementation of the Strategic/action Plan and recommendations emerging from the approved faculty Strategic Plan will be presented to relevant authorities.
  • recommend the suitable projects for the Faculty and the University
  • support the development and implementation of the new projects.
  • facilitate the implementation of the national and international collaborations.
  • ensure the effective use of limited resources and minimization of duplication of resources and efforts directed towards a healthy faculty.


The PMC is comprised of representatives whose faculty/portfolio has core accountabilities for faculty, staff and student wellness.

The Dean, Faculty of Medicine will be the ex-officio of the Committee.

The Chairperson, member secretary and committee members will be appointed by the Board of Faculty of medicine.

The term of the PMC members will be three years. At the end of the term, members may be reappointed by the Board of Faculty of Medicine.

If a member fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the PMC without letter of excuse the membership lapses. The chairperson will inform the Board of Faculty of Medicine in writing of such lapse of membership and steps will be taken to fill the vacancy of such member for the rest of the terms.

Members may seek a leave of absence from the Board of Faculty of Medicine for up to 3 months. If this period exceeds 3 months, steps will be taken to fill the vacancy of such a member for the rest of the term.

A member may resign from the PMC at any time upon giving notice in writing to the Dean/ FM through Chairman PMC.

Internal and external subject matter experts/other resources will be invited to meetings (On-Invitation) of the PMC as required to provide expertise and support.


A quorum for any meeting will be a majority of members (50% +1).


The PMC shall meet at least once in a month and minimum of 6 meetings must be conducted in a year. The committee shall develop its own procedures to conduct the meetings. The minutes of PMC meeting shall be forwarded to the Board of the Faculty.  Following administrative support must be provided the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Medicine:

  1. Providing secretarial support for all Committee meetings.
  2. Preparing and circulation of meeting agenda and meeting minutes on time as prescribed below.

First draft of the meeting minutes will be circulated in three days after the meeting to all the members electronically for the inputs from the member. This will also help to monitor the implementation of the decisions made in the meeting. Corrected minutes with meeting agenda will be circulated to members at least 3 working days prior to the meeting. Minutes will typically reflect decision and action items. Other items may be recorded at the decision of the Committee when required to document important information.

The Chair of PMC is responsible for coordinating the meeting, ensuring decisions are accurately recorded, communicating the decisions to the administration and informing the Faculty Board regarding the decisions of the PMC and progress of the ongoing project/s.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Makes recommendations to the Faculty Board on key decisions related to the PMC.
  • Coordinating the faculty action plan and strategic plan
  • The specific responsibilities of the PMC are to oversee the all related project/s in line with the supporting document and that the implementing partner is appropriately tasked to deliver the results expected and reporting to the Dean/Faculty Board.
  • Provide advice and guidance on issues facing the project;
  • Providing guidance and agreeing on possible countermeasures/management actions to address specific project related risks.
  • Approving the annual work plans.
  • Conducting regular meetings (at least twice a year) to review the progress of project resources and providing direction and recommendations to ensure that the agreed deliverables are produced to a satisfactory standard.
  • Reviewing and approving all activities that are supported by the project based on the project objectives, work plan and availability of funding.
  • Provide strategic and technical advice to create synergy and uniformity between supported activities, policies and aligned projects.
  • Assess project progress and report on project to senior management and higher authorities (Dean/Faculty Board);
  • Receiving reports on all activities supported by the programme to serve as an additional basis for monitoring and assessing project resources’ performance and delivery;
  • Understand the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes of the project.
  • Check that the project is making sensible financial decisions – especially in procurement and in responding to issues, risks and proposed project changes.
  • Check that the project is aligned with the organizational strategy as well as policies and directions across government as a whole.
  • Actively participate in meetings through attendance, discussion, and review of minutes, papers and other PMC documents.
  • Support open discussion and debate, and encourage fellow PMC members to voice their insights.
  • Reviewing the donations and recommend to the Finance Committee of the University of Jaffna for the acceptances.
  • Assist in identifying sources of funding for projet/s.
  • Assist in preparing project proposals.

Operation of the committee

  • The PMC is expected to facilitate key policy decisions of the Faculty, provide guidance for implementing partner and responsible parties in the execution of the project, and ensure effective oversight through receiving regular reports and reviewing the results of project evaluations that will take place periodically.
  • Annual review of project activities to assess project development.
  • The PMC should be consulted for supporting any changes to the work plan or budget and is responsible for ensuring that the project remains on target with respect to its outputs, outcomes and impacts. Where necessary, the PMC will support definition of new targets in coordination with, and approval from, the Executing/Implementing Agencies.
  • As the PMC will provide overall guidance to the project it will be expected to deal with administration of the project.

Performance review of the committee - Reporting

Minutes of all meetings of the Committee will be submit to the Faculty Board. The Committee Chair will provide a report on matters not yet minuted and will provide reports to the Faculty Board. Annual performance review report will be submitted for all project’s activities.


  • The PMC shall review the relevance and value of its work at the end of each annual year.
  • Any amendments in the terms of reference shall be with the approval of the Faculty Board.